The movie follows the youngest son of the family (parents Adam Scott and Toni Collette) and how he wishes Christmas could be like it was before, when he was younger and there weren’t so many issues between everyone. His letter to Santa (he’s about 10 or 12) is spotted by one of his uncouth cousins and read aloud, much to his embarrassment. After fighting for the letter back, he throws it away, losing hope in Christmas and Santa Claus. This action prompts Krampus to appear and wreak havoc on the family.
While the story could be construed as heartwarming, I found myself bored at varying intervals and having a hard time seeing (as if the movie was too dark, and as always, too loud). This does beg the question, why do movie studios feel the need to blare the sound out? Is it really necessary? It is nice to feel a dull thump from a dinosaur foot, but at some point the overuse of sound just assails the ears. I digress, I know. The movie was mildly diverting, at best. The acting was decent, the story came together in the end, but I still just didn’t feel scared or invested in any of it.