Monday, March 11, 2019

Movie Review: Captain Marvel

The super hero season seems to start earlier and earlier every year. Last year, I think Black Panther came out in March too. So, keeping with that theme, we have Captain Marvel, the first Marvel movie helmed by a lady director and a lady lead. What’s not to love? And I will try to refrain from spoilers, but Jude Law played to type, especially if you know about all his infidelities with babysitters in the past. This blog is a land mine for any MRAs out there, so keep moving if you’re one of those lost souls. Anyway, the movie was a solid origin story. I brought my char to the move, so, higher, faster, further, Charmander!

Higher, Faster, Further, Charmander

Brie Larson was delightful as Carol Danvers. Annette Benning was a fun placement in the MCU. There were a lot of people we’d seen in the past who I thought were long dead, but since the movie is set in the 1990s, that made it that much more interesting. Most of the MCU are pups compared to Captain Marvel. It was really nice to see an all-powerful woman. But then it begs the question, why didn’t they call her sooner when there were other issues? Like, in Ultron or the first Avengers movie?

Long story short, you should go see this movie. No Spoilers – look at me go! For the Hina test, dude, this movie is as clean as you can get. A female lead, a BFF that's African American. Samuel L Jackson - it had it all, plus a ginger cat!