The popularity of post-apocalyptic movies seems to have no end in sight. In this movie, the story starts out with a family foraging for meds for one of their kids. Clear in the first scene, you see all the chip bags untouched by the family, by anyone, which is interesting given that in that time, you’d think it’d be hard to find food. So, the family leaves the store, all using sign language. The one kid wants to take a noisy toy, but the dad says no, but one of the kids lets him take it, this doesn’t end well. The scary thing shows in the first few minutes and the dad can’t get there in time to stop the kid from getting eaten. The movie moves up about a year and the mom is prego. How she can have a baby and be quiet is beyond me.
Anyway, of course, the family goes in separate directions, to collect food, or something, and wackiness ensues. I don’t want to give away the last mystery, but it does keep you on the edge of your seat. The scary things aren’t nearly as scary once you’ve seen them a few times, but they’re still creepy looking. The acting was well done. The entire movie was white. There were no people of color, but movies like this tend to get away with that. The two women in the movie were sort of strong, but not really. For diversity, this movie gets a hard fail. For strong female characters, it also doesn’t get a high passing mark.
This was a good horror movie, but it left a lot to be desired. The ending was just as gut wrenching as the beginning, but just like Signs, the movie gives you slight hope, in the end.
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