Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Better Late than Never

My sister pointed out that I hadn’t updated this blog in some time, which I haven’t, but not for lack of information, more for lack of time.  I’ve also been gaming my brains out, so that’s been enjoyably distracting.  I can’t believe it is already August.  I did see Cowboys and Aliens, but it was pretty terrible, so I’m not sure a review is required here, but if anyone wants to see one, I did post one for another site I blog on.

Ramadan started this month, and I have not had to take a break yet, though the unofficial rankings in the house have me tied for first with Mom and Dad, which I was hoping to have knocked one of them out by now, so I’m getting worried about my chances of winning the overall fasting contest.

Work has really been kicking my butt.  The employee issues I have had are still going on, but are slowly abating.  To talk about this online would be foolish, but needless to say, as a manager, I have been thoroughly tested with a myriad of situations and would like to say that despite obsessing, I’ve handled it all quite well.

I’m conflicted about the NFL lockout ending.  I know most people that read this blog aren’t die-hard sports-fans, so there isn’t much point to saying more, and what is there really to say?  I don’t know that I have the gumption to cancel my NFL ticket, but I still have time.  I am looking forward to the hockey season, will be glad to have something to see and a team to root for.

I’m trying to think what else has happened and for the most part, my focus of late has been work and fasting, with video games mixed in to keep it level.  I am glad that Ramadan is once again having that ‘untouchable’ feel to it.  It may sound silly, but in some senses, I feel like this is the time when I am closest to God and am open to hear what is being said.  I am not totally insane, but practicing something as strict as a fast isn’t for the faint of heart and it says something about conviction and belief.

I promise, the next update will be directed, as most previous entries were.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you win the fasting contest!
    I think it's amazing you can do it. It definitely tells a lot about character.

    I'm looking forward to the nfl season. I guess I wasn't afraid there would be a season with all the money involved they couldn't allow it not to happen.
    I'm curious to see how Ochocinco will do at the Pats
